
Your satisfaction is very important to us. We will endeavor to offer good shopping experience and hassle-free returns, please contact Customer Service to process your return within 30 days after buyer receives the product. Returned product must be in its original new condition. For customized item, if it is not our mistake, we will not accept return.

Return Process

Firstly, please send your return request with pictures showing the problem of your received product to our service email [email protected] within 30 days of delivery and we’ll analyze your request and send you authorized return address. You may return your item in original new condition. After we receive a return, we will inspect to make sure it is in brand new, clean condition, and then we will issue you a 100% merchandise cost refund back to your original payment method. (Please allow up to two weeks for your refund to post to your account).

Return shipping is at your expense unless you decide to receive an exchange of any other similarly priced product or if you decide to accept store credit, in which case we will pay for both incoming and outgoing shipping charges. When returning items, please make sure to obtain tracking and insurance in case your return gets lost or damaged on its way back to us.